[78-L] Respectable images

David Breneman david_breneman at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 09:25:00 PST 2012

 From: Mike Daley <mikedaley at gmail.com>

> I've never had luck with my scanner - the label has to be completely
> flush with the glass, which I can't seem to achieve since the rims
> around the glass are slightly raised.

I think too many Ebay sellers concentrate on the label, to the
detriment of all else.  Much better to provide an image of the
entire record.  It helps if you can put your camera, even if it's
a point-N-shoot type, on a tripod so it looks down onto the
table where you position the record.  Don't use ambient light as
your only source of illumination, and fergawdsake don't use a
flash.  Get a flood light in a clamp-on fixture and let the
light hit the record from about a 45 degree angle from above, from
about 2:00 or 10:00 from the record's surface.  This will
illuminate the walls of the grooves well and give a reasonable
impression of what the disk looks like.

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