[78-L] How do we advise people on how to dispose of accumulations like this? + Our St Louis dealer is back

eugene hayhoe jazzme48912 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 8 15:48:45 PST 2012

Several friends & I have had this discussion over the years, as have my wife & I.  She shudders at the thought as 'it's 'just a lot of clutter' to her for the most part. Books too, though I think she's less 'scared' of those (in terms of knowing what to do with what she doesn't want). Anyone have suggestions? My preference would be to use them to START a school, but as I've never succeeded in doing that alive, doubt I'll do it later. Of course, am hoping this a problem none of us will be having for many decades...

--- On Sun, 1/8/12, David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca> wrote:

From: David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [78-L] How do we advise people on how to dispose of accumulations like this? + Our St Louis dealer is back
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012, 5:49 PM

I still accept loads of records when I've been designated the specific 
recipient, but I won't go across the street to buy (unless for some reason I 
think there'd be Buddy Bolden cylinders or the original 16-inch lacquers of 
William Kapell's 1948 broadcast with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra). And I now 
look with an eye to putting the stuff on eBay..there's very little I actually 
need at this point.


On 1/8/2012 4:01 PM, Robert M. Bratcher Jr. wrote:
> I emailed Kurt Nauck&  told him that I was thinking about putting him in my will for all the 78's I've got. The reply I got back is that he is very selective in what he accepts from collections now so I guess that Fort Nauck is way too overloaded with 78's (my guess) so I never put him in my will. To be perfectly honest I don't know any younger collectors (or record dealers) in the Houston area as they are all in their 40's to 60's at least the ones I know personally so I guess that my accumulation of 16, 33, 45&  78 rpm discs will go to the nearest landfill when I die of old age one of these days sometime in the next 30 to 40 years or so. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying it until that day comes. By the way no need to tell me happy birthday but I turned 53 about a week ago on January 2nd so I'm getting older too.
> One of my longtime record collector friends is in the last stages of cancer&  he told his wife to give me all of his records after his funeral. Well thats fine&  means that my accumulation will get about a third bigger than it already is with mainly 45's along with some LP's&  78's which is what he collected&  it's not the only collection I've aquired after someone passed away. Perhaps some of you have inheirited collections from others too&  I wouldn't be surprised if you have.
> We've had discussions before on what to do wiith our collections/accumulations of records. Is there a good answer? Who knows? I sure don't. And then there are people who think they can sell their collections for a mint on Ebay. Yeah right!! Maybe one in a blue moon but other than that I doubt the rest would be sold that way.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Steve Shapiro<steveshapiro1 at juno.com>
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2012 1:41 PM
>> Subject: [78-L] How do we advise people on how to dispose of accumulations like this? + Our St Louis dealer is back
>> Urrr  . . .  "collections", not accumulations.  Much loved, but mostly unplayed.
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MASSIVE-RECORD-COLLECTION-LOT-45S-33S-78S-/180791774709
>> was:
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MASSIVE-10-GENERATION-RECORD-LIBRARY-LOT-SOUTH-CHICAGO-LOCATION-45S-33S-78S-/180786994143
>> It looks like Paul Mawhinney in Pittsburgh has not (yet, hope springs eternal) succeeded in cutting his accumulation loose.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record-Rama
>> And . . . how is our correspondent Steven B in Toronto doing?
>> BTW, our good friend in St. Louis is back, with even a rare single-sided cracked 12" Grey Gull for $99:
>> http://www.ebay.com/sch/my78s4u/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A10%257C66%253A4%257C39%253A1
>> steve
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