bradc944 at comcast.net bradc944 at comcast.net
Wed Nov 2 14:37:02 PDT 2011

----- Original Message -----
From: Julian Vein <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 16:58:52 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [78-L] FRENCH QUESTION^

On 02/11/11 16:43, Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
> Of course this has nothing to do with 78s, but, expanding a bit,
> I think it's more likely to translate as "sh*t" rather than d*mn.
> Your two examples could be "Excuse me, but your talking sh*t" or
> "Oh, man, that's a load of cr*p!", and "Those mademoiselles were mighty
> cute, no sh*t!"
> Zut might even be a corruption of sh*t as used by WW1 or WW2 American or
> British GIs.
> Or could it be a corruption of "sh*te?"
> So, does the French word zut predate 1915?
> Hmmm.
> Mal
> *******
Something like "Merde-et-Doats"?

      Julian Vein

Wasn't that an unreleased item from Victor by Zutty Singleton, recorded at a session in Flushing??


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