[78-L] "Prohibition" DVD

Cary Ginell soundthink at live.com
Fri Oct 7 11:40:59 PDT 2011

Come on, Mike, you know the reason just as much as I do. Money. Burns' name is money. It doesn't matter how much (or little) research he does anymore, nor how he skews history with whatever he sets his mind to do. "The Civil War" was so successful that he can pretty much write his own ticket and PBS will broadcast anything he does. They're waiting like Simon Legree, rubbing their hands together with glee, for his next production. The brainwashing of the public is such that every school kid working with iMovie knows what a "Ken Burns effect" is and does not care where it came from. Burns probably got plenty from Apple to put his name on that effect when he should have just said, "thanks for the compliment, but my name shouldn't be on a technique that is at least 50 years old." I find it outrageously arrogant of him to allow his name to be identified with this technique, but from a marketing standpoint, it makes perfect sense. Business is business.

Cary Ginell

> Why does Burns get credit in the general public for doing things that
> were done 40 years before he started?????
> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com  


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