[78-L] Decca Songs of Our Times Series

agp agp2176 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 25 12:27:46 PDT 2011

At 19:02 25/08/2011, Han wrote:
>These were medleys. I have some images in range 1926-1940.
>Album nrs are year with A-prefix.
>What is the full range of the series? When issued?
>1929 & 1936 are "Two Piano Medleys" with Arthur Schutt.
>Inside covers present a history of the year.

This sleeve shows them in the range of 1917 to 1943 -- so 26 years 
(odd thing is the description says 27 'memorable' years!. ). It also 
says 'each album contains 20 to 29 great hit tunes of that year'

Were they all the same artist?


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