[78-L] Skokiaan was: London -- Made in England?

Benno Häupl goldenbough at arcor.de
Sat Aug 20 04:08:05 PDT 2011

The copy of the Gallotone disc that I auctioned on eBay two weeks ago 
was not pressed in England, but in South Africa. 

Whether Gallotone was still using direct-to-disc or tape could be answered 
by Rob Allingham, a Californian 78s collector who lives in South Africa 
and, after making some research at Gallotone, was employed by them as 
the head of their archives for about 10 years.  His eBay ID is audiofile29. 

He has detailed information about the equipment used in their studios, on 
their field trips, the engineers' techniques and the musicians listed in the files, 
but not on the labels. 


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