[78-L] Churchill Speech - corroded metal disc

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 15 09:07:26 PDT 2011

Bulldog Steel Wool, of course!

(Duck, Lennick)

On 8/15/2011 12:01 PM, Tim Huskisson wrote:
> Among a batch of 78s I recently bought is an unusual metal disc identified
> visually only by a pencil written 'Churchill Speech' near the centre. It's
> not an acetate, and I don't think it's made of aluminium, though I could be
> wrong. It's very thin and flexible, and looks more like steel. Obviously not
> intended for commercial use, I wonder what its purpose was. Would it have
> been used by a radio station? I doubt it because the speech is very
> incomplete. The reverse side contains a medley of tunes by a dance band
> including versions of 'Yes, My Darling Daughter' and 'Let There Be Love'.
> (The speech was made after Churchill's meeting with Roosevelt in
> Newfoundland in August 1941 - the 'Atlantic Charter', and is well
> documented)
> The disc has a lot of corrosion, with white powder speckling. What would be
> the best method of cleaning the disc? Any suggestions?
> Many thanks,
> Tim Huskisson

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