[78-L] Spivey... no not THAT Spivey

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Mon Aug 8 11:23:40 PDT 2011

Okay, I'm stumped!
A while ago I bought an album from the 40s on a minor label by an artist 
named Spivey. Not Victoria Spivey, not Sweet Pease Spivey, just Spivey. 
Turns out she was a gay, "blue" piano player with a notorious lounge act 
in New York that many lads went to see as a rite of passage, sort of. I 
cannot find the fool thing. It's hiding somewhere in my collection and 
being very elusive.
I've tried Googling "Spivey" and "lounge act" and "New York 1940" all to 
no avail.
I could use a scan of the cover and the notes on the inside cover if 
anyone has this item.
Meanwhile I'll keep searching.
Mal "aaaaaargh!" Rockwell

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