[78-L] Double response, "Answer Songs," question

banjobud banjobud at cfl.rr.com
Sun Jul 31 14:02:32 PDT 2011

Am I missing something?  Who did old Burl inform on?

-------Original Message-------
From: David Lennick
Date: 07/31/11 14:45:55
To: 78-L Mail List
Subject: Re: [78-L] Double response, "Answer Songs," question
Sheesh, isn't anybody offended by what I just wrote about Ives? I would be,
I liked him (which obviously I don't and never have).
Oh well.
On 7/31/2011 1:31 PM, David Lennick wrote:
> Would "Purple People Eater Meets the Witch Doctor" count?
> I didn't know about Tex..Burl Ives also recorded that thing (as his
> into worse than mediocrity continued unabated, but he was a rat bastard
> informer anyway).
> dl
> On 7/31/2011 1:08 PM, Dennis Flannigan wrote:
>> The Tex Williams' recording, "CLOSE THE DOOR RICHARD (I Just Saw the
>> Thing)", got me thinking. It's the only answer song that I know
>> to two different originals -- "Open the Door, Richard," and, "The Thing,"
>> from the early 1950s. Or is it? That's my question.
>> Are there other, double song answer songs? Seems likely, but can't think
>> any. Thank you.
>> Dennis
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