[78-L] V-Disc inquiries

neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 20:14:49 PDT 2011

You are probably thinking of the book by Mr. Richard Sears, usually 
referred to as the Sears catalog. It is quite a bit more rare than the 
records themselves now and fetches a nice price when it does surface for 

joe salerno

On 7/27/2011 4:10 PM, Matthew Balcerak wrote:
> I'm working on organizing my v-disc collection and I was wondering if
> someone could provide me with some information.
> What was the last v-disc (numerically) my latest is 902, but I seem to
> remember someone telling me they went up to 908.
> Also, which numbers were omitted.
> I understand there is an amazing disco-graphical book all about v-discs, and
> I promise if one ever comes up for sale on the internetz I will buy it...
> Thanks bunches.
> Matthew Balcerak
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