[78-L] Stop the presses! Dwight Fiske alternate take discovered

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Tue Jun 21 16:35:33 PDT 2011

Greetings from FixitLand!

David Lennick wrote:

> And only Mr. Diehl will care.

Not true! If you're talking about a Victor-related alternate take, I  

> I have 3 copies of Fiskana 36167, Molly O'Toole
> The Fan Dancer..2 are take 1, the other is take 2 which runs much  
> closer to the
> label.
> As you were.

Dunno if I've got that number. I will make the appropriate note in my  
heavily-massaged copy of the Abrams Files. Thanks for the heads-up!  
The Blue Pages show only CS 89286-2.

Take care,

J. E. Knox "The Victor Freak"

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