[78-L] Decelith of Caruso

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Wed Jun 8 08:31:12 PDT 2011

The HMV DB-series was also issued (partly or completely?) with the same catnrs 
on German Electrola.
I have an image of one side of Electrola DB-3327, which is:
Parted (Tosti) by Enrico Caruso mit Orchester, mx 2EA 5829.

- han enderman
The description says:
"(Überspielung vom DB 3327) 1940/45"

This means a copy of HMV DB-3327 (12").
I have no label copy of this issue, but DB-3321-3326 are 12" records in an
album of the Hugo Wolf Society.

In Dutch & German a price is shown with a comma before the "cents", for ex.
f. 10,50 is 10 guilders and 50 cents.
This was, centuries ago, a clever invention to prevent future Word software 
to decide that a dot in a price means the end of a sentence.

The value of the record is the (rare?) war label, not the music, I think.

han enderman
It is the other side of the record that interests me a lot more.  
"*Seite / Side A + B: *A Addio (Tosti) / Gruß einer Frau mit 
Kindergeschrei an ihren Mann an die Front"  I wonder if the Caruso 
recording of "Good-bye" is used as a theme for the recording of the 
greetings of a woman and children to their man at the front.  (Do I have 
that translation correct?)

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

On 6/7/2011 9:32 PM, David Lewis wrote:
> http://cgi.ebay.de/150558203894
> I am familiar with the ePay "isn't it insane what they're asking for this record" type posts, and file most accordingly. But this one has me a little puzzled; a wax decelith from the Reichs Rundfunk of Caruso. Certainly this has to be taken from commercial recordings, and while to have a decelith in one's collection would be nice -- provided that it can be shipped safely at all -- 20,000 Euros for what is essentially a dub??
> Uncle Dave Lewis
> uncledavelewis at hotmail.com

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