[78-L] Museum quality?

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sat May 7 15:03:37 PDT 2011

On 5/7/2011 12:11 PM, David Breneman wrote:
> --- On Fri, 5/6/11, Cary Ginell<soundthink at live.com>  wrote:
>> Does the Liberty Bell have a lam crack or is it hairline?
>> Did anybody check to see if someone put Scotch tape on the
>> edge of the bell?

Actually they stabilized with a heavy rivet, similar to the suggestion 
I've seen about how to stabilize a split in a blue Amberol cylinder.  
You drill a tiny hole in the celluloid at the end of the split to make 
it a circle.  You lose a couple more grooves, but the split will not go 
any farther.

In Philadelphia they wouldn't use Scotch Tape, they'd use Quaker State.

I might mention that the huge bell that I have seen in the Kremlin in 
Moscow has an edge bite so big you could walk through it.(if they had 
not put up some chicken-wire over the hole to keep people and other 
critters out of the bell).

> An interesting aside is that the reason they can't
> ring the Liberty Bell is not because of the large
> crack on the side.  That one's stable.  It's because
> of a hairline crack across the top, which isn't.

The Kremlin bell  won't ring because it is on the ground.

> YES, this has something to do with 78s:
> http://www.ushistory.org/libertybell/images/article1915.jpg

We discussed this a few years ago.  Has anybody found the master?

Mike (my favorite comic strip character was Batsin Bellfrey) Biel  
mbiel at mbiel.com

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