[78-L] Sellers of classical 78s?

neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 19:05:49 PDT 2011

Larry Holridge does an action once a year, coming up around November IIRC.

Tom Hawthorne may have some classical content. 

There are some others in Europe, but I am not thinking of the names at 
the moment. I think they are on this list and will speak up I'm sure.

joe salerno

On 4/16/2011 1:58 PM, Taylor Bowie wrote:
> I have  friend who is inerested in buying/collecting some 78s of a cellist
> named   Emanuel Feuermann ...and possibly 78s of other great cellists.
> Are there any retail sellers of classical 78s I might send him to,  or
> perhaps there are some record auctions I don't know about which feature such
> stuff?     I sent him Kurt's name already.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Taylor
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