[78-L] Nauck's Website

Robert M. Bratcher Jr. rbratcherjr at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 25 09:00:43 PDT 2011

This is what I got when I went to his page.....

78rpm.com expired on 03/19/2010 and is pending renewal or deletion. 

I think Kurt forgot to renew!!

From: Malcolm - Venerable Music <malcolm at venerablemusic.com>
To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
Sent: Fri, March 25, 2011 10:50:28 AM
Subject: [78-L] Nauck's Website

Has anyone else had a problem getting to Kurt’s website? I keep getting a domain 
expired page.
Is it just me?
Kurt, did your domain name expire? If so - just wanted to make sure you knew.
If not, please let me know as it may be a problem on my end (I did just get a 
new computer).
Venerable Music - http://www.venerablemusic.com
Venerable Radio - http://www.venerableradio.com
78rpm Record Auctions - http://www.vmauctions.com


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