[78-L] Disc bowl

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 18 19:53:35 PDT 2011

Well, I was just offered something like thirty thousand records, give or take, 
providing I can get them off the premises by April 1. If anyone out there wants 
to make a pizza oven or two available, maybe we can set up a little tourist 
business this summer.


On 3/18/2011 9:21 PM, Rodger Holtin wrote:
> This is where the other copies of Zulu's Ball went, no doubt.  Probably where most of my stuff will end up, too.  I got started when my mom was going to do exactly this with 100 or so from a neighbor and I played them and got hooked.  That was fifty years ago this year, come to think of it.  Perhaps this will provide a poetic end to it all, and me.
> Rodger
> For Best Results use Victor Needles.
> .
> --- On Fri, 3/18/11, Benno Häupl<goldenbough at arcor.de>  wrote:
> From: Benno Häupl<goldenbough at arcor.de>
> Subject: Re: [78-L] Disc bowl
> To: 78-l at 78online.com
> Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 8:11 PM
> For me, the best part of the item description is,
> ''Ich verkaufe aus der Plattensammlung meines verstorbenen Vaters''
>   =
> ''I am selling from my late father's record collection''
> (Looking around me at my record collection with many 'only known copies' - and wondering...)
> Benno

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