[78-L] 5 reasons to hate 78-L

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 14 09:46:29 PDT 2011

On 3/14/2011 12:35 PM, Jeff Lichtman wrote:
>> I take NO responsibility for consuming the milk theotetically
>> once contained in these "milk boxes"...!
>> Steven C. Barr
> OK, Steven. It's time for you to invent a new type of beer bottle
> that's shaped just like a milk bottle.
In the scenario for Milhaud's "Le Boeuf Sur le Toit", there's a scene where a 
policeman enters the bar and a sign is quickly exposed reading "Only Milk 
Served Here". (This is just before the barman lowers a giant fan which chops 
off the cop's head. I wonder whether this was ever actually staged as 
conceived? Maybe only once..)


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