[78-L] records in Houston
Robert M. Bratcher Jr.
rbratcherjr at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 05:05:33 PDT 2011
I think the 78's I got were in Stafford too. The records were on 2 big
tables under a covered porch & there were lots more records in the garage that I
asked about but was told they weren't for sale yet. Wish they were as I would
have bought them!! He must have had something like 4 to 5 thousand 78's there if
we all bought from the same fellow. I took about 2000, Bill takes around that
many & Joe gets some too?
From: Bill McClung <bmcclung78 at gmail.com>
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 10:30:19 PM
Subject: Re: [78-L] records in Houston
A year ago there wasn't really a deal to be had. Joe got a few things but
the owner wasn't ready to part with them then. It wasn't until they sat
there with no one else looking at them that he was ready. In fact, the same
stack of 78s was sitting on top of the boxes this time that were there the
year before.
One of my most enjoyable finds happened back in December from an older
gentleman in Clyde, Texas which is near Abilene. He had been given about
1,000 78s by his friend, Blackie Crawford, who was a dj in New Mexico and
who also had recorded for Starday. He and Crawford had played together in
pick-up bands off and on for years. Crawford passed on several years ago
and now this gentleman was ready to part with his friend's 78s. He had seen
the tv edisode and called me. We had a great time talking and he played his
steel guitar and there were many dj copies and some great small labels and
many very good country and rockabilly 78s in great shape. Part of what I
enjoy most in hunting 78s is the contacts made and the stories heard.
And both quickness and patience are important.
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:09 PM, neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com <
neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com> wrote:
> I remember him, yes. I cherry picked what I wanted, some nice things to
> have, A few are on the wall.
> I'm Glad the records found a good home, you found a treasure trove and
> glad he got something for them. Everybody wins!
> joe salerno
> On 3/13/2011 1:41 PM, Bill McClung wrote:
> > Joe and Robert,
> >
> > Joe, it was the guy you visited near Stafford about a year/18 months
> > ago. I'm not sure how I heard about him in the first place. Craig's
> List
> > maybe. I went there a while after you did and loooked though about half
> of
> > them without finding much. But there was a lot of pre-war 78s and some
> pop
> > artists I was unfamilair with. It sort of nagged at me and I called to
> see
> > what he wanted for the whole lot. The 78s belonged to his aunt in
> Chicago
> > and when she died he took them and eventually wound up in Texas. They
> were
> > all in sleeves and well cared for.
> >
> > I'm glad I bought them. The ones I didn't look at actually had the
> better
> > stuff. Some Chess and Checker in good shape. About 20 post -war labels
> I
> > didn't know. A couple of Victor Personal Labels. Dean Martin on
> Diamond.
> > Some post-war jazz and blues. A lot more pre-war artists for me to learn
> > about. I fillled up those 24 milk crates and he gave me those three
> large
> > crates he had.
> >
> > I keep getting calls from that TV show I was on a couple of years ago.
> > Apparently it was on RFD this weekend because I've gotten three calls
> today,
> > but none of which I need to follow up on.
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 3:55 PM, neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com<
> > neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Eating my heart out maybe.
> >>
> >> May I ask where you found 3000 78s for $200 in the Houston area?
> >>
> >> joe salerno, who also lives in the Houston area
> >>
> >>
> >> On 3/9/2011 9:55 AM, Bill McClung wrote:
> >>
> >>> 2. Last week in Houston I bought 3,000 78s for $200 and I'm very happy
> >> about
> >>> it.
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