[78-L] Bye Bye, Borders

agp agp2176 at verizon.net
Thu Feb 17 15:13:09 PST 2011

At 23:00 17/02/2011, BMcC wrote:
>Anybody listen to a radio lately or gone to a movie?  I heard
>that was killed off by television.

Actually no --- can't stand half the sh .. er .. cra.. stuff on it 
from the (lack of) personalities to the noisy bits between the 
commercials. Movies -- not at  those prices. TV -- not really.

So what does that leave me with -- my 78s, my 45s, my CDs all of old 
stuff. BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 4 and CBC Radio 1 (sometimes) -- but 
via the 'net. And losta movies from the 30s 40s and 50s

Nope they weren't killed -- it was suicide what done them in


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