[78-L] Mike Biel^

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Feb 17 03:36:05 PST 2011

bruce78rpm at comcast.net wrote:
Wow what a novel idea. Like the tombs in ancient Egypt's where the 
Pharaohs are buried with there most prized worldly possessions and 
sealed in underground chambers to enjoy their favorite earthly goodies 
as they sail into eternity. I guess you would have to entomb all of the 
Collectors favorite phonographs to play the 78's as well in the after 
life. The Cost of that burial could get very expensive.
I wonder if, in 5,000 years' time, they will be exhibiting the worldly 
possessions of Hosni Mubarak, along with his mummified body in Egyptian 

"If You Knew Suez..."

      Julian Vein

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