[78-L] For those who think the hobby will die

buster busterdog at mac.com
Thu Feb 3 07:49:04 PST 2011

Well, since "The Rapture" is scheduled to happen on May 21, 2011, it's happening for some of us sooner than later. This is when all Christian faithful are set to ascend to heaven, leaving the earth to the rest of us. Me, I'll be waiting, with a big truck, in Spring TX. 

Of course the earth is supposed to be destroyed at the same time, so perhaps this is all moot. 

On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Julian Vein <julianvein at blueyonder.com wrote:

> Taylor Bowie wrote:
>>> I still think that in about 50 years or so, the last surviving 78 
>>> collector
>>> will inherit (or be stuck with...?!) ALL the remaining 78 collections...?!
>>> One wonders what part of "ALL 78's ever issued" will be included
>>> therein...?!
>>> Steven C. Barr
>> Steven,
>> I think it's more likely that in 50 years you will be 100+ and you will 
>> still be telling all the 78 collectors,  many of whom have yet to be born, 
>> that the end days are upon us.
>> Taylor
>> _______________________________________________
> The 78ers' "End Time" will be the last spin at the Last Chance Saloon. 
> Once the last 78 has been spun, the Sun might as well engulf us.
>      Julian Vein
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