[78-L] George Gershwin a Catholic already?^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 2 16:13:34 PST 2011

Say, that would be a good title for a dance tune, heard in the "better" Jewish 
homes of the 19th century.

Probably lots of "oy" and not much gavotting today as Kosher Meals on Wheels 
was shut down because of the "blizzard" which turned out to be much ado about 
not much in Trawna.


On 2/2/2011 6:47 PM, Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
> Oy Gavotte!
> M
> *******
> On 2/2/2011 8:55 AM, David Lennick wrote:
>> Little known fact..the original inspiration for the piece came from the tailor
>> shop across the street, whose proprietor had a unique way of suggesting the
>> right color coordination for his clients. George wanted to call it "Wrap Sidney
>> in Blue".
>> dl
>> On 2/2/2011 1:47 PM, Rockined1 wrote:
>>> OY VEY MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Julian Vein<julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
>>> To: 78-L Mail List<78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
>>> Sent: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 1:41 pm
>>> Subject: [78-L] George Gershwin a Catholic already?^
>>> Just been watching a news item about a London Catholic school which has
>>> been accused of watering down its religious aspect. It's true--during
>>> the item they showed the school orchestra playing "Rhapsody in Blue"!
>>>         Julian Vein

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