[78-L] test

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Sat Jan 15 17:33:22 PST 2011

Greetings from FixitLand!

Malcolm Rockwell wrote:

> Where, oh where, is 78L?

Oh, 78-L is here as always. It's the list-members who are AWOL. <grin>

Has been awfully quiet today. Maybe everyone's actually playing their  
rekkuds. I wish I were...<another grin>

Have a great weekend, folkses. I hope to spend tomorrow afternoon  
doing some 78 transfers.

Take care,

"If cats are 'pets' and people are 'masters' why am I the one  
standing here with a Pooper Scooper?"--Karl Knox (1960-2005)

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