[78-L] VICTOR LABEL BOOK -- you MUST get it

bruce78rpm at comcast.net bruce78rpm at comcast.net
Thu Jan 13 18:17:40 PST 2011

Thanks, there does not appear to be an order form, or address on that page to mail the payment. Is there another link there I am missing. If they are really plugging and selling this book, you would think it would be more evident where to send the payment. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Rockwell" <malcolm at 78data.com> 
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com> 
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 8:07:24 PM 
Subject: Re: [78-L] VICTOR LABEL BOOK -- you MUST get it 

Go here: 


On 1/13/2011 3:03 PM, bruce78rpm at comcast.net wrote: 
> Could someone send the link to where this book can be purchased ? 
> thanks, 
> Bruce 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Michael Shoshani"<mshoshani at sbcglobal.net> 
> To: "78-L Mail List"<78-l at klickitat.78online.com> 
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 7:42:03 PM 
> Subject: Re: [78-L] VICTOR LABEL BOOK -- you MUST get it 
> On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 03:49 -0500, Michael Biel wrote: 
>> Since I have not read any reviews yet, all I can think is that nobody 
>> here has ordered the new revised edition of Michael W. Sherman's (with 
>> Kurt Nauck) "Collector's Guide To Victor Records" yet. WHAT ARE YOU 
>> WAITING FOR??? An engraved invitation? If so, consider this to be 
>> one. 
> Money's been tight for the last few months, but last week I had enough 
> spare money to order the paperback edition. It arrived today (I think 
> Kurt ships in his sleep!) and all I can say is WOW. This book is 
> amazing. (I picked up a copy of Note the Notes while I was at it; it's 
> also pretty keen.) 
>> I might be a little biased, but my participation is minor. Mike and 
>> Kurt have worked wonders. I did the matrix prefix section at the end, 
>> gave the pressing plant info in the footnote section for Chap 9, did 
>> some proofing, and provided some labels that are, in all modesty, 
>> knockouts (The Vouce of the Victor on page 214 and the Bluebird on 215 
>> are a couple of examples) but 99& 44/100% is Mike and Kurt. The 
>> comparison with the two earlier versions is beyond belief. 
> Where on earth did they find those two labels on the bottom of 214, and 
> the Red Seal label at the bottom left of 215? I've long found it 
> intriguing that Victor used a line engraving of His Master's Voice from 
> the beginning (Yankee thrift?), while The Gramophone Company started 
> with full color renditions and later (as HMV) went to duotones, 
> monochrome sepia, then finally an outline line drawing similar to the 
> early HMV Zonophone labels. But these two labels on 214 take the cake; 
> the Red Seal version looks for all the world like a Shaded Dog label. 
>> I am flattered that they surprised me with placing my most amazing find 
>> on the end-papers, and actually it was Vince Giordano who first spotted 
>> it.[...] 
>> I am not telling you what that flyer is, although I showed it to a few 
>> people like the Rolfs since the photos were still in my camera. It will 
>> have to be your surprise WHEN YOU BUY THE BOOK!!! 
> I have a feeling that this endpaper flyer surprise is only included in 
> the hardcover edition, because the paperback edition has plain white 
> stock inner covers - no endpapers. Pity. 
> I've been amazed at my casual flip-through; can't wait to be able to 
> hunker down and delve at leisure! Kudos to Messrs. Sherman and Nauck on 
> a very fine volume. 
> MS 

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