[78-L] shelf-order of your 78s [was: First 78]

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Dec 22 01:13:50 PST 2010

Steven C. Barr wrote:
> I can still recall watching the late Jeff Healey deal with his HUGE 78
> collection. He kept them in more-or-less alphabetical order by the
> artists, with artists kept in chronological (near as he knew) order.
> Still, he could almost immediately find any 78 to which he chose
> to listen...!
> Steven C. Barr
> _______________________________________________
That's analogous to a pianist being able to hit the right keys without 
looking at the keyboard. I always wonder in amazement at how pianists 
avoid hitting two keys together

      Julian Vein

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