[78-L] ARSC Conference Travel Grants -- Deadline Reminder

Bill Klinger klinger at modex.com
Wed Dec 1 11:45:15 PST 2010

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections
(ARSC) posts the following message. If you have any questions, please click
on the link or e-mail address below.


Application Deadline: December 10, 2010

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is now accepting applications
for ARSC Conference Travel Grants to be awarded in 2011.

Grant recipients are awarded:
 -- complimentary registration for the entire ARSC Annual Conference
 -- gratis registration for the Pre-Conference Workshop, and
 -- reimbursement up to US$750 to defray the expenses of transportation and
lodging (upon approval of valid receipts, to be submitted after the

The grant requirements are detailed here:

For more information, please e-mail Louise Spear, ARSC Conference Travel
Grants Committee Chair:
LSpear at amda.edu

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings -- in all genres
of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. ARSC is unique in
bringing together private individuals and institutional professionals --
everyone with a serious interest in recorded sound.

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