[78-L] did we ever find consensus as to how to clean these things(Diamond Discs)

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Nov 27 15:23:36 PST 2010

I find the same stuff I use for all other records, PhotoFlow + Distilled Water 
(1:200), works just fine..I also take care not to let the stuff get inside the 
disc if there's lamination which can swell or expand. But I haven't noticed any 
problems even where that may have happened accidentally.


On 11/27/2010 6:12 PM, Steven wrote:
> From: 78records at cdbpdx.com
>> Naptha seems to work well for me.  Can't find naptha?  Use ZIPPO lighter
>> fluid, pure naptha. (learned this from a stamp dealer)
>> DO NOT USE RONSON or other brand lighter fluids.
> I would guess that a quick round of water + dish detergent would be the
> first step?
> This would remove the most obvious "dirt". Thereafter, I concede to the
> various
> "experts" out there in radio-land...?!
> Steven C. Barr

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