[78-L] Buchanan and Goodman on Trial

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 16 16:29:55 PST 2010

Sorry about this showing up twice..I kept getting a "can't send" message.

The instrumental side plays fine if you have it on 45 and play it at 33. No 
idea what it is though. The A side samples Skinny Dynamo er Fats Domino, but 
just the words "Yes it's me and I'm in" and then cuts to the Dragnet theme. 
Haven't heard this one in ages. Sparton didn't pick up B&G till "Flying Saucer 
the 2nd" in 1957.


On 11/16/2010 7:16 PM, David Lennick wrote:
> On 11/16/2010 5:37 PM, agp wrote:
>> At 15:15 16/11/2010, you wrote:
>>> I would have thought this disc was scarce in any form. I don't know of a
>>> Sparton pressing..I've seen only "Flying Saucer The 2nd" and 'Santa and the
>>> Satellite" on Canadian issues.
>>> dl
>> If I look in my 78 Guide by J Edward Prince, I see it as seemingly
>> worth no more or less than The Flying Saucer (Luniverse 101).
>> Disregarding his 'price' of $25 for both, I'm just speaking in a
>> relative sense. Still, though, I've haven't seen this one come up before.
>> Apart from the autographs in the dead wax, this first pressing
>> (according to ye olde wikipeadia) is different in that it 'samples'
>> I'm in Love Again by Fats Domino. Second edition samples Green Door
>> by Jim Lowe instead.
>> BTW -- did any of the Dickie Goodman records come out in the UK?
>> T
> Found it on 45..both Dick Goodman and Bill Buchanan's signatures are in the
> land on this one as well, on both sides. "Trial" mx 102-1 with what could be a
> "2" or a "Z" a bit to the right. "Crazy" mx 102-N-2-45-3. No reference to speed
> choice on the 45 label (Luniverse, styrene pressing). Subtitles are "Crazier
> novelty" and "Silly instrumental". Martin Mull, take notes.
> dl
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