[78-L] Average age

Dan Van Landingham danvanlandingham at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 11 16:03:12 PST 2010

It is that.I started collected 78s more than forty years ago when people used to 
give them to me.I got out
of ceramic cartridges about thirty years ago.I've used magnetic cartridges ever 
since.However,I need to
find another source for replacements for my Pickering and Shure cartridges.The 
one place I did business
with folded years ago here in North Bend,Oregon.I haven't seen a high fidelity 
magazine like Audio or
Stereo Review in about 25 years.

From: David Breneman <david_breneman at yahoo.com>
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 3:09:50 PM
Subject: Re: [78-L] Average age

--- On Thu, 11/11/10, Cary Ginell <soundthink at live.com> wrote:

> I always maintain, that whatever kind of sound quality that
> you get from beautifully restored CDs or MP3s, there is
> still nothing like the aesthetic pleasure of hefting a 78,
> placing it on your turntable, and PLAYING IT...

That's one of the things I've always said about 78s,
they put on a good show.  45s aren't bad in that regard,
and LPs are a little stiff.  But a 78 is just plain
fun to watch play.

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