[78-L] Jack Palmer

Steve Ramm steveramm78l at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 10 18:37:57 PST 2010

Did I miss a posting somewhere? I JUST heard that our good friend Jack Palmer (Mr. Vernon Dalhart) died just before Halloween! There will be a short tribute to him in the December "In The Groove" but this was shocking news to me! Jack contributed so much to our hobby and was the nicest guy to chat with at ARSC Conferences - where he gave his Dalhart paper. (SAdly it was before the Conference programs were put up on the ARSC website for us all to hear.).
I did dig through my photos and found one I took of him giving his paper at the ARSC Conference in Austin in 2005. I'd like to share this tribute to Jack. Look at the photo at: http://tinyurl.com/29faytb   and think of our friend.
Steve Ramm

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