[78-L] Victor number puzzlement

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Thu Oct 28 16:38:25 PDT 2010

Greetings from FixitLand!

David Lennick wrote:

> Well how thilly can you get? All sorts of "reissued by request" in  
> the 20-2000s
> (which means they were reissued by request of the sales department  
> who had
> nothing to flog, thanks to the AFM ban in 1948) so why go  
> backwards? Victor Red
> Seals also introduced a 10-0000 series post-war, reissues of old  
> vocal records.

What's more "thilly" than Victor starting nearly all their two-digit- 
prefix renumberings at some arbitrary point: 10-1000; 11-8000;  
20-1500; 28-0400; 30-0800; 33-0500; 34-0700; etc. (I've not seen any  
of the 10-0000 reissue series you mention.)

The 'Double-Feature' 45-0xxx series actually started at a sensible  
-0000, as did the 44-xxxx twin-sided jukebox series, while the RCA  
Victor "Bluebird Series" restarted at 30-0001 (not -0000? Whyzzat,  
RCA Victor?)

(Whoever did the "requesting" for those reissues, I wish they'd  
specified the use of original masters instead of dubbing nearly  
everything...a very few of them were actually pressed up from  
original parts.)

Take care,

"If cats are 'pets' and people are 'masters' why am I the one  
standing here with a Pooper Scooper?"--Karl Knox (1960-2005)

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