[78-L] Rare 78's for sale on E-Bay, 20" Pathe, "Jew/Yid" records - same guy

Steve Shapiro steveshapiro1 at juno.com
Wed Oct 20 18:44:32 PDT 2010

This seller is my78s4u who has been a topic of discussion on this list various times.

He is the same person who was selling "Jew/Yid" records last January and has been looking since last June for Bill Gates and others to buy his 20" Pathe for $150,000.


He seems to have been able to continue staying in his house.

As I wrote before:

> This seller offers "as is" Armenian 78s for $250.  He hides his bidders' names and masks their wins in his feedback.

He once made violent threats to me via email./steve

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