[78-L] NBC Reference Record

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Oct 19 19:48:47 PDT 2010

For Mike or Elizabeth or anyone else..when would dubs of NBC radio programs 
have the "NBC Reference Recording" labels? I was brought a couple of sets of 
discs this morning of dance band broadcasts from 1939. One was clearly a dub 
from very beat up originals, rerecorded in Toronto in the late 40s, and the 
other had the NBC labels. The quality on the NBC discs was very good, 
definitely not dubbed from earlier lacquers unless they were transferred from 
sixteen-inchers (they were cut on alternating tables with the sound fed to one 
and then the other and in drop auto sequence).

The bandleader died in 1942 and there's no history of how these discs came to 
be in the possession of his daughter, who was 13 at the time.


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