[78-L] NBC

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Fri Oct 15 19:17:54 PDT 2010

From: "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
>> And excitedly clicking on links marked NSFW only to discover it means
>> National Schools Film Week (UK) 
>> Not Suitable For Women 
>> Now Show Friends and Workmates

> Or "No S? <deleted> Way...?!   Steven C. Barr 

No, Steve, you are not getting the joke.  NSFW mean "Not Suitable For
Work" which is a warning that you are about to see an uncensored item
that you might get in trouble for if you are looking at it on a computer
at work.  Thus, David was using CLEAN phrases with these initials.  Your
phrase is the opposite of the joke.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com  

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