[78-L] Willie the Whale (was Changing Speeds) how did they do that?!

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sat Sep 18 13:13:04 PDT 2010

  On 9/18/2010 3:56 PM, Rodger Holtin wrote:
> In a similar subject germane to altering pitches by altering playback speeds for film or disc, I've often wondered how Disney manipulated Nelson Eddy to keep the tempo on tick

HEADPHONES!!  The orchestra track is played back at the speed they've 
calculated the new track needs to be recorded at.  As I mentioned 
earlier, there are recording session tracks in the audio sections of The 
Wizard of Oz which demonstrate how it is done.

Mike Biel   mbiel at mbiel.com

> and still alter the voice quality from alley cat to basso profundo.  Amazing trickery for the  time, but any kid today can do it with a few mouse clicks.
> Rodger
> For Best Results use Victor Needles.
> .
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