[78-L] Changing speeds [was: Newly-pressed Bix Beiderbecke 78]

David Breneman david_breneman at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 18 12:06:46 PDT 2010

--- On Sat, 9/18/10, Ken "Silver Showcase" <kenreg at tds.net> wrote:

> Isn't this how the kid's voices in "South Park" are done,
> sped up a 
> little but not too much?  Certainly its done digitally
> and not from 33 
> /13 to 45.  But the concept is the same.

Yes.  I heard the producers interviewed on a radio show
(could have been "Fresh Air" on NPR) in which they said
how much they pitch shifted their voices to sound like
women or children.  I don't remember how much, but they
related it in semitones.  The funny thing is, they said,
when they make personal appearances, the one voice 
everyone asks to hear is Kenny, which is just one of them
talking into the palm of his hand.


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