Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Thu Sep 16 20:25:56 PDT 2010

From: "Tim Huskisson" <timhuskisson at btinternet.com>
> I don't think anyone here has claimed that one musical idiom is greater or
> better than another (If that's what you mean). That would be a ludicrous
> argument.
NOT entirely true! There have been a number of 78-L listeners (most
notably Mr. Okin!) who insist that "classical" music is FAR superior to
any "popular" music...most notably "jazz," but more emphatically
"country(hillbilly)" and "blues"...! The reality is that much of the
well-known "classical" music of the 18th/19th century was equally
limited by the conventions of western music...given chords were
"supposed" to follow others!

If complexity is a measure of superiority, we all must accede to
players like Coltrane?!

Steven C. Barr 

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