[78-L] ARSC Conference 2011: Los Angeles, California

Bill Klinger klinger at modex.com
Thu Sep 16 16:54:04 PDT 2010

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections
(ARSC) posts the following message.


The 45th annual ARSC Conference will be held at the Wilshire Grand in
downtown Los Angeles, California, on May 11-14, 2011. The conference will be
hosted by the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive, in honor of its 50th

The Wilshire Grand is located four blocks from the Los Angeles Convention
Center, Staples Center, Nokia Theater, and the LA Live Complex. Conveniently
visit Hollywood or Universal Studios by way of the 7th Street and Metro
subway station, which is right across the street from the hotel. Chinatown,
Little Tokyo, the Museum of Contemporary Arts, and the Grammy Museum are all
within five miles of the Wilshire Grand.

Our host, the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive, is among the largest
ethnographic archives of its kind in North America, with over 100,000 sound
and audiovisual recordings. Its collections include non-commercial field
recordings and commercially produced recordings of traditional, folk,
popular, and art musics from Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific
Islands, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas, on a variety of
audiovisual formats.

The Pre-Conference Workshop will be "Audio Archiving 101: Playback,
Restoration, and Preservation." The workshop, presented by the ARSC
Education and Training Committee, covers an introduction to audio archiving,
and includes topics such as media identification, appraisal, care and
maintenance, and reformatting.

More information about the 2011 conference will be posted at:

Questions regarding the conference should be directed to Brenda
Nelson-Strauss, ARSC Conference Manager, at bnelsons at indiana.edu

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings -- in all genres
of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. ARSC is unique in
bringing together private individuals and institutional professionals --
everyone with a serious interest in recorded sound.

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