[78-L] Sleeves for 78 rpm discs

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 5 12:24:55 PDT 2010

They do, although I wouldn't recommend their 16-inch sleeves..overkill. 
Expensive, oversized, and far more than most of us would need for run of the 
mill 16-inch ETs.

The original request was for the sleeves that were originally in albums which 
held them in place through 3 rings.

Question, Ted..why would you have an address and phone number showing on your 
e-mail? Anybody can harvest this information.


On 9/5/2010 3:21 PM, Ted Kneebone wrote:
> If you are looking for sleeves for just about any size, from 7" to 16", try
> Bags Unlimited.  They seem to have just about everything.
> Ted Kneebone. 1528 S. Grant St., Aberdeen, SD 57401. Phone: 605-226-3344.
> Old Time Radio: http://abe.midco.net/tkneebone3

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