[78-L] First vocal recording of Temptation Rag

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Fri Sep 3 17:41:58 PDT 2010

Co A-826 was issued in 1910 with the first version of the Magic Notes label (5A1).
Ty's ODP list of the A series gives the mx as 4396.
The highest mx used before A-826 is 4395 by Vess Ossman on A-825.
This indicates that - when released - these were the most recent Columbia recordings.
Then the release date is: recording date + manufacturing time.
If the recording date is early Jan 1910 (as suggested in ODP) and the manufacturing 
time is ca. 2-3 months, then a release date of Mar/Apr 1910 seems a good assumption.

Let's do a check with a later recording.
Co A-994 by Gene Greene (King o/t Bungaloos) was recorded 17-2-1911.
When issued, this was the most recent recording.
The next issues contain slightly later recordings:
A-995 - A-999 include recordings from 3-10 March 1911 (and may have been the next 
batch of issues). These also will have been released after ca. 2-3 months, i.e. in
ca. May-June 1911
Thus during a period of 14 months (recorded Jan '10 - Mar '11) ca. 180 records were 
released. This is ca. 13 records in a month.
The first 1911 recordings appeared on A-975 - A-978 (recd 3-4 Jan 1911, incl. Collins).

Of interest are A-918/919 with Christmas recordings, and thus released Dec 1910.
These have the next Magic Notes label type (5A2) (as far as our present knowledge 
goes, of course) (this agrees with the starting date of 1910 given for this label type
in Names & Numbers 54).
Note that if A-930 was still issued in Dec 1910 and A-990 was issued in May 1911,
there were 60 records released during the first 5 months of 1911.
If A-816 was issued in Apr 1910 and A-926 was released in Dec 1910, then ca. 110
records were released in 9 months.
These are guesses, but not unlikely the records can be placed into monthly groups of 
new issues with approximate dates.
The number of monthly issues in the Co A-series increased the next years, and seems 
to have been ca. 280 per year during 1917-1922.

Does the Columbia dg give the recording date of Arthur Collins's mx 4396?
And does someone know the normal time between a recording date and a quick release?

Han Enderman
>>> Is there any way to find out when Columbia A826, 
Arthur Collins "Temptation Rag" (mx) was released?

Dr. Rainer E. Lotz
Birgit Lotz Verlag
Rotdornweg 81
53177 Bonn (Germany)

Tel: 0049-228-352808
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Web: www.lotz-verlag.de
Collins also recorded this for the early vertical cut brand Peerless in
1910. I think he made an Ind 2m cylinder of it also.

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