[78-L] His Master's Voice labels - small number?

Matthew Duncan recordgeek334578 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 29 03:17:51 PDT 2010

Yes there are lots of examples like that...for example HMV issuing two US Victor 
classical pieces recorded 5 years apart with widely varying matrix numbers so I 
think what you say is right...it would be the best filing system for that!


From: Julian Vein <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Sun, 29 August, 2010 11:05:58
Subject: Re: [78-L] His Master's Voice labels - small number?

Matthew Duncan wrote:
> They are often referred to as 'control numbers' and I think they were assigned 

> in the pressing process but I don't know why as the matrix number could have 
> done the same job?!
> Matthew.
Are there examples of where sides with widely varying matrix numbers 
have consecutive "control" numbers? If so, this could mean that they 
were some form of filing system, cross-referenced to the matrix numbers. 
Copies of discs with consecutive "control" numbers would be easier to 
store on shelves than  non-consecutive matrix nos.

      Julian Vein
78-L mailing list
78-L at klickitat.78online.com


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