[78-L] And to round out the trio from eBay....

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Sun Jul 25 19:05:18 PDT 2010

From: "Malcolm Rockwell" <malcolm at 78data.com>
> I wrote this person about a week after these blurry photos began showing 
> up telling them how to use the macro setting on their camera. They sent 
> me a note of thanks and then continued on their merry way. So be it. I 
> have great wishes for their success, but it won't be with my help.
As I MAY have posted before(?!)...there is a whole new demographic
out there (and the vast majority of Internet users?!). They have little
or NO experience with analog sound recordings/images...their limited
exinstence is a series of mouse clicks, and content can be e-mailed
(as attached files if necessary...but why do they want to bother?!)
They grudgingly admit to the existence of vinyl LP's...but 78's antedate
even their GRANDparents...?! At the same time, they regard eWotsit
as the PERFECT way to get insanely rich (College? Who bothers?!).
Since analog (usually?!) recordings antedate their personal memories,
they HAVE to (they figure?!) to be *VALUABLE* antiques and therefore
worth thousands (millions?!) of dollars...it's A LOT easier than the
effort needed to earn similarly high wages...!

I keep wondering if these idio...er, fools...will discover the fact that
I own close to 58,000 of these "valuable" sound recordings...?! If
so, the hernias they suffer from carrying 65 pound milk boxes out
to their (probably stolen?!) truck will be well deserved!

Steven C. Barr 

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