[78-L] ACT reproducer quality

D P Ingram darren at ingram.fi
Mon Jul 19 21:59:15 PDT 2010

On 19 jul 2010, at 22.21, Sean Miller wrote:

> Just for the heck of it, here's a transfer I did a couple of weeks back using the ACT on an Eddie Morton Indestructible 2 minute cylinder of  "A Singer Sang A Song", a recent phono show find for $5.
Good to see someone else taking up these projects. I got burned by the CENSORED Rob Lomas from "The Edison Shop" who happily took payment for the reproducer and kept coming up with reasons for the delay (so like a fool I accepted this with good faith, going out of the Paypal protection time) ... never got the money back or the product despite many, many emails and even a hardcopy letter.

FOR ANY AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT I am not suggesting there is any commercial or other link between Rob Lomas and the person behind the ACT referred to in this thread :)

If anyone sees Rob Lomas please remind him he still owes me money from 2007 !

¦ D P Ingram ¦ Ab Ingram Oy ¦
¦ darren at ingram.fi ¦  www.ingram.fi ¦ 
¦ MUSIC LIBRARY FINLAND - www.musiclibrary.fi 
¦ +358 6 781 0275 (FIN) ¦ extn 8001

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