[78-L] (no subject) el spammo

Robert M. Bratcher Jr. bratcher at pdq.net
Wed Jul 14 08:04:23 PDT 2010

At 10:06 AM 7/13/2010, you wrote:
>David Lennick wrote:
> > Looks as if Randy's e-mail has been overtaken by aliens. 
> Interesting that I got this on my Yahoo address but Sympatico filtered it.
> > dl
> >
>There seems to be a rise in email hacking.  I moderate a Yahoo chat
>list, and some of our members have been hacked in the last month or so,
>and spam for snake oil medicine has been sent.  This hasn't happened
>before.  I've also received spam in my private email from friends who
>have been hacked.
>Not sure what to do about it.
>-- Ken

Filter it out (if you can) as I do with Mailwasher Pro or some other 
spam killer program. 

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