[78-L] Musikerleben

Birgit Lotz Verlag Birgit-Lotz-Verlag at gmx.de
Tue Jul 13 02:28:06 PDT 2010

German grammar and orthography are almost impossible to understand to 
non-German speakers. You did a swell job, but your's is not the correct 
translation. "Musikerleben" is a combined word, but it is NOT 
Musiker-Leben but Musik-Erleben. Thus it is not a question of 
"musicians' lives" but "reception of music". (The final "s" in 
Musikerlebens is not a plural but a genitive.)

In the spring of 1991 a conference was announced, in German: "Zur Relevanz 
naturwissenschaftlicher Methoden für die Frage des Musikerlebens", of which a 
correct translation into English is: "On the relevance of the methods of 
exact science for the question of musicians' lives". 

Dr. Rainer E. Lotz
Birgit Lotz Verlag
Rotdornweg 81
53177 Bonn (Germany)

Tel: 0049-228-352808
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