[78-L] Cleaning Gels

goldenbough at arcor.de goldenbough at arcor.de
Sat Jul 10 02:27:12 PDT 2010

Back in the 1980's a guy in Berlin, Germany, marketed cleaning gels for vinyl and 
for 78s.  The gel was green for vinyl and red for 78s. The vinyl version was based 
on water, the one for 78s on something else. I used a couple of bottles. 

It worked fine on really dirty 78s and removed all the residue in the grooves. You 
dispersed the gel over the groove area, let it dry and peeled off the 'skin' with all the 
dirt from inside the groove hanging on to it. 

However, I ruined a rare Cajun Brunswick with this gel. I am talking about the brittle 
materia of the Br 80.000 series.  Some of the groove wall was also taken away with 
all the dirt. This procedure downgraded the disc from E to V.  Of course, I should 
have known. After this mishap, I used the gel only on German Odeons, Bekas etc. 

I found it strange that this guy's office was in the ex-Lindström factory building. 



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