[78-L] Why so many vinyl finishes?

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Wed Jun 30 19:39:45 PDT 2010

From: "D P Ingram" <darren at ingram.fi>
> On 28 jun 2010, at 06.36, Steven C. Barr wrote:
>>  Since the above disc was aimed at a rather young
>> demographic...it seems to me that EMI (1) used coloured discs to catch 
>> the eye of the
>> potential customers...and (2) hoped that these customers would want one 
>> in each
>> colour...?!
> Point 1 seems natural but do you have any evidence to support point 2 (or 
> is this a well intentioned guess to the actuality?) as I've seen nothing 
> to suggest this was a marketing move (and I don't think too many families 
> would have bought "all the colours" but I welcome correction as this was 
> an interesting note.
When I said "customers." I was thinking of the children to whom the records
were "aimed"...and NOT the hapless parents who actually bought them...!

Steven C. Barr 

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