[78-L] English Brunswick 3000 series

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Jun 11 06:30:11 PDT 2010

If Ross Laird were still on this list, he could have answered this question immediately. I haven't checked his books for an explanation or changeover date but I'm sure it's there. Brunswicks were originally pressed in the UK by Cliftophone (was that a division of another company or related to Edison Bell or something?) and those pressings used the original numbers.


> From: stevenc at interlinks.net
> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 22:59:10 -0400
> Subject: Re: [78-L] English Brunswick 3000 series
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Han Enderman" <jcenderman at solcon.nl>
> > UK Brunswick issued a 2900/3000 series in the 20s, with cat.nrs same as 
> > the orig. US Br issues.
> > Presumably Br(E) did not duplicate every US release.
> > Examples (i.e. confirmed on US & UK Brunswick):
> > 2937 Cotton Pickers: Milenberg Joys
> > 2990 Nick Lucas
> > 3460 Henderson: Stockhoolm Stomp
> > 3597 Red Nichols: Cornfed
> > 3626 Red Nichols: Feelin'No Pain
> > But:
> > Br(A) 3627 Nichols: Riverboat Shuffle / Eccentric was issued on Br(E) 
> > 3698.
> > Contents of Br(E) 3627 (if issued) is not known to me.
> > Br(A) 3667 is Libby Holman (see Ty's ODP, and confirmed by label image), 
> > but
> > Br(E) 3667 is Clarence Williams, Slow River.
> > Dodds's Br(A) 3568 (Come On & Stomp) was issued on Br(E) 3681
> > (and US 3681 is Carter's Orchestra).
> > Note that Rust does not clearly state which issues are British.
> > At present there is no doubt that UK issues above 3667 are different from 
> > the US releases
> > with the same nr.
> > But can this be confirmed for the Br(E) range 3628-3666 ?
> > Does someone know UK issues in this range? Or are there gaps in the 
> > numbering?
> > And is it known why English Brunswick changed the nrs?
> >
> Brunswick(UK) started as a "branch operation" of the US label...and as a 
> result
> their issues duplicated the US issues. However, in the later twenties the 
> British
> Brunswick label became a separate operation...and was using a 3### numbering
> that did NOT duplicate the US numbering (though it was fairly close)! I have
> NO idea if there exists (on the web and/or in print) a listing of British
> Brunswick for that period...?!
> After that series, Brunswick(UK) started a new series of catalog numbers
> at 1000; these gained a "leading zero" at 01500. IIRC. I list and discuss
> this in my DG under Brunswick(UK).
> Steven C. Barr 
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