[78-L] Musicians on Steve Ramm's Video

Cary Ginell soundthink at live.com
Tue Jun 1 06:20:46 PDT 2010

One thing that went unmentioned as that Irvin Mayfield's pianist was using an iPad for his music instead of sheet music, a revolutionary sign of the times.

Cary Ginell

> From: steveramm78l at hotmail.com
> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 08:55:55 -0400
> Subject: [78-L] Musicians on Steve Ramm's Video
> Thanks Jeff:
> I knew all except Fred Lonzo. If you look closely with Irvin - that's Shannon Powell on DRums. And Lars came to the conference on Saturday and was playing with Tom Sacton (who played Banquet) at PH on Sunday before heading to Norway. As you know theese guys move around. I was really impressed by Shannon's drum solos at PH. (I would have recorded more but Recording is not permitted - as it is stealing music - so I only captured a few seconds so I could remember how good he was. There are a number of longer music clips at Palm Court where video taping is not officially prohibited. I just posted Parts 3 and 4.
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. 

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