[78-L] Vogue picture record

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Sat Apr 17 19:20:16 PDT 2010

From: "Julian Vein" <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
> Dan Van Landingham wrote:
>> I had a Vogue picture 78 by trumpeter Sonny Dunham.What can you tell me 
>> about it?This was in the late
>> 1950s when my folks bought a Philco radio-phonograph combination from a 
>> neighbor of ours at the time.
I can tell you that you are VERY fortunate that you had it when they were
current...the sad fact is that these days they are generally WAY over-priced
at $35 or so per each! I bought my only Vogue for 75 cents at the Toronto
Symphony Bazaar over 30 years ago...and bought one of the Vogue-
pressed Mercury promo records for around $9 off a 78 auction list,
guessing at what it was from its description...?!

There is essentially nothing of interest on Vogue...when/if this fad ever
runs its course, a whole bunch of Vogue owners will be dismayed to
find their expensive acquisitions have to be sold at substantial losses...?!

Steven C. Barr 

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